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  • Writer's pictureRory Duffy

A Fragile Peace in Boston

Updated: Aug 1, 2022

Dear friends,

Welcome to the first newsletter for A Fragile Peace: Inside Brexit and Belfast! So much is happening on the production front and the political front, as Brexit claims another British Prime Minister. PM Boris Johnson resigned on Thursday, July 7, due to mounting scandals and his inability to offer any workable trade solution on Northern Ireland that does not anger one side of the divide and threaten the Good Friday Agreement.

On the production front, last week, we were graciously hosted at the Irish Cultural Center of New England by the Eire Society of Boston, who screened the opening 30 minutes of the film. After the screening, we had a lovely, spirited political conversation as local Bostonian artist extraordinaire Adam O’Day painted a beautiful cityscape of Belfast inspired by the film. (pictured below) We want to thank Mimi for her support and wish her the best in her next venture. We look forward to continuing the relationship with the new president William Smith.

Coming up, we have interviews with some big names, so stay tuned!

As always, thank you to our supporters. The link to donate to the film is below. All donations are tax-deductible.

Best regards,

A Fragile Peace Team

Director Rory Duffy speaking before the screening

Artist Adam O'Day painting a beautiful cityscape of Belfast inspired by the film

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